After this brief synthesis activity, you will find a conclusion of this module and educational resources under the Creative Commons license that you can adapt for your classroom.  

Synthesis activity

For this activity, we invite you to analyse your podcast. You can also ask someone to listen to your podcast and help you fill out this survey. This will allow you to receive feedback and adjust your product if necessary. 

What should we remember?

Before engaging in a podcasting project with students, it is essential to know which resources are available in your school environment:

  • Do you have a budget to buy materials?
  • Is there a silent place where you can record your podcast?
  • Is there a resource person that can support you throughout this process?
That is why it's important to take the time to plan in order to experience success.

Choosing a digital tool to record your podcast will also depend on the level of students. Some of them might need more support in this process. Knowing what is available helps you answer the need of your clientele. 

In conclusion, before you publish podcasts on the web, we strongly recommend you analyse the productions with students and make adjustments where needed. In the next module, you will be invited to explore the BaladoWeb platform that gives the opportunity to highlight student and teachers' productions in Quebec.   

Classroom resources

  1. Storyboard model 1(Google docs or Word, PDF)
  2. Storyboard model 2 (Google docs or Word, PDF)
  3. Storyboard model 3 (Google docs or Word, PDF)
  4. Free digital tools to record and edit your podcast
  5. Free digital tools to record and add images
  6. Sound bank
  7. Image bank
  8. Materials for Podcasts
  9. Analyse a podcast grid (Google docs or Word, PDF)


Badge Opportunity

At any time during this course, you can ask for a Contribution badge. 

The “Contribute” badge is awarded to the learner who shares an activity or a learning situation with the community, a reflection about a digital tool or the learning object of this course.  To earn this badge, you must share your experience in producing and sharing podcasts with students. The experience doesn't have to be perfect!

Consult the badge section for more information. Submit your homework.

Last modified: Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 10:52 AM