After a short quiz, you will read a short overview and will you can find pedagogical resources under Creative Commons licence to use and adapt according to your needs. 

What should we remember? 

What are the takeaways from module 2?  

The inquiry process is complex and requires time and energy! We need to take the time to support students throughout the entire process. 

 It is essential to carefully plan our research for a quality project. It is a key element of the inquiry process. 

 Of course, it is important to know where and how to search for information. Web browsers are not the only tools available. You can also use catalogues, and databases and invite librarians to help out. 

Understanding how to analyze sources and make ethical use of information is crucial to ensure we draw information from reliable and accurate sources. 

Developing your information literacy competencies is everybody’s concern. To learn more, we invite you to register for our online course on Campus RÉCIT. 

Consult available resources for the classroom. 

 In the next module, we will learn how to use the information selected to prepare a podcast script.   

Resources for the classroom

  1. Plan your research
  2. Search for information
  3. Evaluate information
  4. Use information
  5. Developing Your Information Literacy Competencies
  6. Citing My Sources
  7. The Art of Paraphrasing
  8. 5WH To Evaluate a Website (Google Doc, Word, PDF)


Badge Opportunity

At any time during this course, you can ask for a Contribution badge. 

The “Contribute” badge is awarded to the learner who shares an activity or a learning situation with the community, a reflection about a digital tool or the learning object of this course.  To earn this badge, you must share your experience in producing and sharing podcasts with students. The experience doesn't have to be perfect!

Consult the badge section for more information. Submit your homework.

Last modified: Tuesday, 23 August 2022, 9:55 AM