1.1.1 What do you know about podcasts?

Instruction: Share your favourite podcast on this Padlet.

Modality: Collaborative work

In order to share what you know about podcasting, we invite you to share your favourite podcast. Tell us the reasons why we should listen to it.

If you don't know any podcasts, It might be the opportunity to discover some shared by others. 


When you click on the link to access the Padlet, the page will open in another tab of your browser. Double-click on its page to add a new post.

1.1.2 What is the difference between a podcast and podcasting?

"A podcast is an audio or video file that can be downloaded by Internet users. The file can include a video conference, report, radio broadcast, etc."
Source: IG Global

Did you know?

"Podcast" is a portmanteau, a combination of "iPod" and "broadcast". The term "podcasting" was first suggested by The Guardian columnist and BBC journalist Ben Hammersley,who invented it in early February 2004 while writing an article for The Guardian newspaper.” 
Source: Wikipedia

Enhanced podcast

“An Enhanced podcast also known as a slidecast is a type of podcast that combines audio with a slide show presentation. It is similar to a video podcast in that it combines dynamically-generated imagery with audio synchronization, but it is different in that it uses presentation software, such as PowerPoint, to create the imagery and the sequence of display separately from the time of the original audio podcast recording.”
Source: Wikipedia

What is podcasting?

"Podcasting is a method of sharing audio or video files over the Internet so that they can be downloaded and played on a portable media player or computer with Internet access."
Source: IG Global

Who is the podcaster?

Source: Free translation, Representation of podcasting model, Wikipedia

"Podcasting is a method of sharing audio or video files over the Internet so that they can be downloaded and played on a portable media player or computer with Internet access."
Source: Oxford Learner's Dictionaries

Modifié le: lundi, 14 août 2023, 10:32