What the Reference Frameworks Say

For this self-training course, we relied on the following reference frameworks.

Digital Competency Framework

The Digital Competency Framework is part of the Digital Action Plan for Education and Higher Education (DAP) that was unveiled on May 30, 2018. This plan promotes a vision of an effective integration and optimal use of digital technologies to foster the success of all Quebec residents in developing and maintaining lifelong skills.

 The Digital Competency Framework defines information literacy skills as follows: "Ability to recognize how to ethically collect, use, manage, synthesize and create content. Includes information-handling skills such as the ability to determine the need for information and to access, locate, understand and produce it, as well as the ability to engage in the collaborative production and sharing of information in digital environments in order to ensure effective information use." (p. 30)

Digital Competency Development Continuum

The Digital Competency Development Continuum defines the scope of the elements of the 12 dimensions of digital competency and situates them on a progress matrix consisting of three possible levels: beginner, intermediate and advanced.

Continuum for the Development of School Library Information Skills

The school library network was mandated by the MEQ to develop the Continuum pour le développement des compétences informationnelles en bibliothèque scolaireIt is currently available in French only.

Modifié le: lundi 14 août 2023, 11:19