You have almost reached the finish line. Throughout this self-training, you have adopted a reflective stance regarding the use and development of information literacy skills in your classroom.

The most important step for you is beginning right now: synthesizing all this information. It is essential to take a moment to reflect on what you have learned during this self-training.

Since digital literacy is directly related to professional development, here are the key elements you have mobilized during this self-training:

  • Exercise ethical citizenship in the digital age.
  • Develop and mobilize technological skills.
  • Harness the potential of digital resources for learning.
  • Develop and mobilize information literacy.
  • Collaborate via digital technology
  • Produce content via digital technology
  • Develop critical thinking with regard to the use of digital technology
  • Engage in ongoing professional development 

Participant Booklet

We suggest that you take some time to reflect on the questions below and record your thoughts in your participant booklet. You can always consult the resources we have added to this page to help you synthesize the information you have learned throughout this self-training.

  1. We all know the importance of developing our information literacy skills to become ethical citizens in the digital age.
  2. What have you learned during this self-training?
  3. What difficulties did you encounter?
  4. Why is it important to help learners develop their information literacy skills in today’s world?
  5. Now that you have completed this self-training, what changes will you make to your professional practice?

Going Further

We have suggested various digital tools that can be used to produce various types of texts (whether read, viewed or listened to), depending on your pedagogical intentions. In the module, you noted your research intentions by identifying the type of production expected. To conclude the process, we invite you to take a look at the digital tools you can use to present the results of the work you did throughout this self-training. Your production could serve as a model for your students!

Modifié le: mardi 31 mai 2022, 11:03